Beneficial features

Pumpkin seed oil benefits

What are the health benefits of pumpkin oil that have made it so popular around the world?

Pumpkin is a nutritious and highly nutritious food. It is low in calories but at the same time rich in many vitamins and minerals, all of which are found in its seeds, leaves and juices.

The pumpkin is one of the oldest domesticated plants used by humans since BC. From 7000-5500 AD. Today, various types of pumpkins are widely grown for food as well as aesthetic and recreational purposes.

Pumpkin is used in desserts, soups, salads, preserves, and is also considered a wonderful substitute for butter in many countries.

Pumpkin seed oil:

And pumpkin oil is known to all of us for its rich taste and bright red-orange color.</p>
<p>It is a nutritional supplement with versatile properties and is widely used in health food and skin care products.

The production in Armenia:

Armenians have long produced pumpkin oil and used it in their daily life.

Now it is made with the latest technologies, cold pressing-squeezing method, thanks to which they are preserved all biologically active substances, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids (all that make pumpkin oil so useful).

The oil can be consumed orally or applied topically.

It also:

  • Lowers cholesterol, strengthens the vascular wall and has a positive effect on heart function.
  • Increases the body’s resistance and strengthens the immune system,
  • Improves metabolism, normalizes bile flow and has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Has an anthelmintic effect,
  • It is especially useful for prostatitis and prostate prophylaxis for men.

How to use it correctly?

To saturate the body with vitamins, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of oil 2-3 times a day as an independent remedy (only the oil) or add it to ready meals.

What are the benefits of pumpkin seed oil?

Pumpkin seed oil has a number of fantastic benefits, including being one of the most popular sources of beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that gives orange vegetables and fruits their bright color. The human body converts any ingested beta-carotene into vitamin A.

The use of foods containing a large amount of beta-carotene has the following advantages:

(Consumed orally)

  • Reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer
  • Normalizes blood pressure and promotes protection against asthma and various heart diseases
  • Reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration

And not only …

And in case of consumed topically, pumpkin oil can have no less beneficial effect.

If you use it regularly

  • Improves the color and condition of the facial skin,
  • Clears acne and fights dermatitis.
  • Eliminates skin irritation and inflammation,
  • Strengthens hair and nails.