Exclusive opportunity

Taste nature with Curivo

Discover Fantan village

Fantan village is scattered on the slopes of Gutanasar in Kotayk province.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is within reach. Use cold-pressed oils and become healthier a sip at a time!

About US-3
A bit about us

How our production started

Cold-pressed oils will only benefit your health. Use them and be healthy!

Traditional medicine has proven its viability for centuries. Our work is a modest attempt to become a part of that. Justifiable society has come to attach great importance to ecologically clean foods and medicinal products.

Our successful operation for the past 8 years has experienced daily increasing demand. The satisfaction and gratitude of our customers are the true assessment of our honest work.

Tours are arranged in advance

A unique opportunity to see the process

Founded in
Happy costumers
Oil types
Available stores
Delivered within (days)
Years of experience

Fantan village and its wonders

The film was made with the support of “Union of Community Financiers” NGO within the “Development of Ecotourism in Charentsavan Community” project.

WhatsApp Image 2022-12-30 at 7.42.50 PM

In the Hetq, Gagik Aghbalyan’s article about the village and oil production there

Founder and CEO
The world has seven wonders, and I have already discovered the eighth one: oils obtained by cold pressing. From now on, tasting nature is more than possible.

Vardan Rashoyan

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