
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to almost all your questions about oils, using the site, shipping, etc.

If you have any other question that you don’t find here, please send it to us at through mail.

Related to the oils

What types of oils do we offer?

Flax Seed Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Walnut Oil, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil and Sesame Seed Oil.

If you are interested in other types of oils, contact us for detailed information.

Where is the factory located?

All oils are produced in Armenia. In the region of Kotayk. The village is called Fantan. If you wish, you can make an appointment in advance and be present at the oil extraction process and see for yourself how the oils are obtained from the seeds. Click here to learn more.

What is the cold pressing method and why is it important?

All biologically active substances, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids are preserved in the oils obtained by cold pressing. This method is unique because it does not involve any additional chemical solvents or heat. Coldpressed oil extraction specifically requires that the entire process take place at 40 C (104 F) or lower. exceeds 25 degrees Celsius.

What does unrefined oil mean?

Unrefined are those oils, which are exposed to minimal heat: They are not bleached or deodorized after extraction: Unrefined oils are the most desirable due to their high nutrient content, which is true to its taste and smell: The disadvantage of unrefined oil is, that it is less stable, than refined oils: This means, that they have a short shelf life:

Additionally, chemically refined oils can mask lower quality ingredients, thus significantly reducing costs compared to creating unrefined oils. The refining process removes most of the beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, resulting in a less healthy product.

Who can use cold pressed natural oils?

All of them, because they have not only therapeutic, but also prophylactic use. The difference is in the type and dosage of oils.

When and how long can oils be used?

All oils have their own unique conditions of use. To get acquainted with them, either study the special page about each oil or read the section inside the box called: Dosage.

How can oils be used?

All oils are used both externally (rubbing on the body) and internally (drinking).

Are there any contraindications for using the oils?

Yes. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Related to the site

What features does the site provide? gives you the opportunity to discover the world of vegetable oils, learn more about all products, make purchases and pay easily and quickly.

Why and how can I register on the website?

By registering on the website, you can save the data in order to avoid filling it every time you make a purchase. Just click on the register button and fill in all the required fields. You can find the registration page here.

What is the preset button for?

Wishlist allows shoppers to create personalized collections of items they want to buy and save them to their user account for future reference. A wish list shows a customer’s interest in a product without an immediate intention to buy.

What payment systems are available on the site?

There are several payment options:

Cash; on site.

  • Via VISA and MasterCard
  • With Idram, also taking advantage of Rocketline
  • through Tellcell e-wallet
What is an electronic receipt?

As soon as you make your purchase, you will receive an electronic cash register receipt that will prove your purchase. You can send your email to save it. to mail or take a screenshot.

Can I change or cancel the order?

Since the answer to the question can be changed depending on the unique order of each buyer, it is important that after confirming the purchase, you contact us stating what you want to change and our team will try to help you as soon as possible.

What are the shipping terms?

Click here for delivery terms.

What is a bolg?

By exploring the blog, you can find various interesting materials about plants, oils, their uses and us.