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Frequently Asked Questions

What types of oils do we offer?

Flax Seed Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Walnut Oil, Black Cumin Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil and Sesame Seed Oil

Where is the factory located?

All oils are produced in Kotayk regions’s Fantan village in Armenia. If you wish, you can make an appointment in advance to be present during oil extraction and see the process for yourself.

How is it possible to get the oils?

You can make the purchase at this website, if you have any questions or issues please contact us by calling at: 099 – 628 – 826. You can also buy locally or from several supermarkets operating in Yerevan, the names of which will be published here soon.

Is there a delivery to regions of the country?

Yes, shipping is done in cooperator with Hay Post and packages arrive within 2-5 working days. The price of the shipping is independent of the oil price and is also dependent on each specific order.

When and how long can you use the oils?

Each type of oil has its own usage condition. To become acquainted read the oil’s product page or the Dosage section inside the box.

How are the oils to be used?

All oils can be used orally and topically.

Are there any contraindications for using the oils?

Yes. Consult your healthcare provider before use.

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